Medical Weight Loss Programs

  • Are you looking to lose weight and don’t know where to start?  
  • Is being overweight stopping you from living your life to the fullest?  
  • Have you tried other diets and gained the weight back you lost and more?

If you answered yes to these questions, we have the solution.  

Our Medically-Supervised Weight Loss programs deliver fast and long lasting results!

The challenges many people face while attempting to lose weight can be complicated overwhelming.

Arizona Weight Loss and Esthetics offers multiple options for weight loss that can be used individually or combined to help you achieve your goal weight.

We also know everyone’s body works a little differently so we use the latest technology in Metabolic Rate Testing.

InBody 570

The InBody 570 body composition analyzer goes beyond traditional body composition analysis, measuring fat, muscle, and total body water. Total body water data can be divided into intracellular water and extracellular water, values important for understanding a user’s fluid distribution in medical, wellness and fitness contexts.



Indirect Calorimeter

The REEVUE measures the oxygen that the body consumes.  Using this measurement it calculates a patient’s Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), commonly referred to as a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR).   Physicians can screen for abnormally low metabolic rates, teach energy balance, and pinpoint the precise caloric intake required for weight loss. 

ReeVue - Indirect Calorimeter


The Options

1. Peptides Therapy Program for Fat Loss & Muscle Gain

Injectable Peptides can be used for gaining muscle, increasing weight loss, reduction of body fat, rapid recovery and inflammation reduction plus many others treatments to improve your health.

What is Peptide Therapy?

Our most popular program utilizes a natural hormone that helps you lose weight by burning fat which creates rapid weight loss often without hunger.  We offer the hormone either in injection form or sublingual (under the tongue).

Both methods of using the hormone are very effective.  We only offer the pharmaceutical-grade version of the hormone.

To be most effective, our Hormone Assisted Weight Loss Program includes:

  • Medical Testing
  • Physician Supervision
  • Weekly Consultations
  • Metabolic Testing
  • Plan for Success
  • DVD Reviewing the Program
  • Cookbook
  • Food Journal
  • Patient Guidebook
  • Tip Sheet

2. Mic B and B12 Injections for Weight Loss Management

Mic B injections can boost the body’s metabolic power while increasing your energy levels.
When injected, vitamin B12 and Mic B are easily absorbed by the body and then utilized in the formation of red blood cells as well as helping to maintain a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system.

Mic B and B12 injections can be administered weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. It’s up to you.

Used alone or in combination, these nonsurgical medical weight loss management strategies can help you reach your weight loss goals and live healthier.

3. HCG Diet

HCG dieting has become mainstream due to how significant results come quickly by just taking drops and following a very low-calorie diet. Comparing to other dietary plans, HCG diet is more effective when it comes to optimal results. There is no other weight loss solution that can lead to a pound loss every day. HCG can provide such change and give you a life-changing transformation in less than a month.


To learn more about your medical weight loss options or to book an appointment;

Call Us at +1 480 603 6895.

Discover the “New You” that you were always meant to be.